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What is Endodontics?

The Endodontics It consists of the removal of the dental pulp (nerve) from the inside of the tooth, when it becomes inflamed or infected.

This can be due to different causes: Deep cavities, trauma, fractures, previous dental treatments, etc

The treatment is carried out with special instruments called files and disinfectant liquids.

Subsequently, the interior of the tooth is filled so that there are no empty spaces that allow infections.

It is a minimally invasive procedure and can be performed with our sedation option.

Generally, endodontic treatment is performed in a single session., and there will be a slight discomfort for two or three days afterward. The discomfort usually disappears with painkillers.

Most common types of Endodontics

It must be taken into account that each mouth is different therefore each mouth will have a different treatment. There are three types of Endodontics and they are the following:

● Single root endodontics: It is usually performed on the anterior teeth since its main characteristic is that they only have one canal.

● Biradicular endodontics: This Endodontics is performed on teeth with more than one canal, that is, on premolars.

● Polyradicular endodontics: These Root Canals are performed in particular on the molars, since they have three or more nerves or roots.

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image of endodontic treatment in bilbao

Endodontics at Ibarreta Dental

Mechanical and rotary instrumentation

Allows better cleaning and shaping of the tooth canal.

digital radiology

It allows you to use much lower radiation doses, as well as magnify the image as much as you want.

electronic apex locator

Essential to accurately determine the length of the dental roots.

dental tomography

It allows to accurately reconstruct the dental anatomy and its possible alterations.

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Frequently Asked Questions Endodontics

When is it needed?

Endodontic treatment is necessary when the dental pulp becomes inflamed or infected. This can occur for various reasons: deep caries, trauma or fractures in the tooth and other pathological processes that may affect the tooth. If inflammation or infection of the pulp is not treated, intermittent or constant pain may occur, and sometimes a phlegmon (with swelling of the oral mucosa gum) or fistula (with suppuration) may appear.

Signs of a damaged pulp include: pain, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold, color changes, and swelling and discomfort in the gums around the tooth. Sometimes there are no symptoms.

Endodontic treatment could also be advisable in teeth that require carving for the subsequent placement of crowns or fixed bridges.

How many sessions are necessary?

In most cases pulp treatments can be performed in a single session. However, the Doctor will independently evaluate each patient and decide, depending on their situation, if any other measure is required.

How it is performed?

First, the clinical and radiographic examination is performed. Next, local anesthesia is administered. A rubber dam is then placed to keep the tooth isolated, clean, and out of contact with saliva during the procedure.

Next, an opening is made in the crown of the tooth to access the canals where the pulp is found. Instruments and a disinfectant irrigating solution are used to clean the pulp from the root canals. These are then filled with a biocompatible material, usually gutta-percha with a cement, to ensure a complete seal of the canals. Finally, a temporary or permanent restoration is placed (“filling” or reconstruction of the opening made and of the portion of the crown that may need it).

Are teeth more fragile after endodontic treatment?

After a therapy of this type, the treated and correctly restored tooth is no more fragile. In the cases of posterior teeth (premolars and molars), it may be convenient to protect the crown of the tooth (the visible part, which protrudes from the gum) by means of adequate reconstructions, for a greater durability of the same.

Ibarreta Dental -The Team-

Jesus Llona Badiola

Implantólogo y Director Médico

Patricia Pedreira


Itziar Bacigalupe

Auxiliar Odontológico

Guzman Sainz de la Maza Pereda


Joseba Rodriguez

Director Clínico

Nerea Apellaniz

Auxiliar Odontológico

Ana Esther Sainz de la Maza

implant prosthetics

eva onaindia

Higienista Dental

Begoña Lasa


Agustín Pastor


Estibaliz Apellaniz

Auxiliar Odontológico

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